Here is a list of my University Projects that I thought are interesting and worth mentioning

VolunTier - Solidarity App

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VolunTier allows you to share and join solidarity events and routes. It has incorporated a points system to encourage people to perform more voluntary work and compete against each other for more points. There is a chat functionality and donations that can be made using the in-app currency, earned while performing voluntary actions.
We made a website and an android application for this project with over 70 different endpoints. The Backend which was my main focus was done using Google Cloud App Engine to host the website and endpoints, Datastore to store the table data and Cloud Storage to store images and blobs. It is worth noting that we got a honorable mention for our backend.

3D Projections and Lighting in WebGL

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Visualize 3D objects under the effect of different lightings, types of projections and materials. Observe the effects of the Z-Buffer algorithm, Back-Face Culling toggling, projections such as Orthogonal, Axonometric and Perspective, changes in Light Intensity/Color/Direction/Position, Directional versus Point lights and the object's Material characteristics such as difuse and specular reflection and shininess. Everything was made with plain javascript, html, css and using the WebGL library.

Image Classification and Segmentation of Pokemon images using Deep Neural Networks

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The goal of this assignment was to create, evaluate and select deep neural networks for image classification and segmentation. The dataset consists of photos of different types and subtypes of Pokemon found near the FCT campus.

Examine bacterial cell images using Machine Learning techniques

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The goal of this assignment was to examine a set of bacterial cell images using machine learning techniques, including feature extraction, features selection and clustering, in order to help the biologists organize similar images. The dataset included images of cells in different stages of their life cicle as well as segmentation errors, not corresponding to real cells.

Matching Patient Cases to Clinical Trials with Machine Learning and Information Retrieval Models

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The goal was to find clinical trials where patients can be enrolled, by using the patient's description as a query and then finding the trials (among thousands of them) that are best suited for that person (like a search engine).
This was the third phase of this project where we used Contextual Embeddings to represent the word/tokens of each document and query and used different types of visualization techniques (such as dimension reduction, similarity matrices and self-attention heads) to understand what the model was learning at different stages.

Parallelizing an Agent-based Simulation of Fire Extinguishing using OpenMP

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Parallelized a version of a sequencial code written in the C language that simulates the evolution of a fire scenario with several focal points that is extinguished by multiple teams of firefighters. The parallelization was made using OpenMP, some profiling techniques (GNU gprof) and experiments to find the sequencial cut-offs for different portions of the code, followed by an estimate for the efficiency of our parallelization.

3D Shooting Game: The Last Experiment

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A 3D first person shooter game made with Unity. Makes use of a physics gun to control objects at a distance as well as a grappling hook and a pistol. The objective of the game is to defeat all the enemies and the Boss at the end to save a group of children that are being trapped and experimented on by evil scientists. We also implemented a procedurally generated forest and procedural audio inside its boundaries.

3D Modeling in WebGL

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Visualize and Control a 3D comunications van. This vehicle is constructed using a 3D hierarchical model represented by a scene graph. It was built exclusively from primitive objects like cubes, cylinders, paraboloids, spheres and torus. It can be driven using the keyboard (WASD) and its antena can be rotated in multiple directions also using the keyboard (IJKL). Everything was made with plain javascript, html, css and using WebGL libraries.

Lode Runner Demo

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A simple version of the famous game Lode Runner, a 2D puzzle-platform game, developed by Douglas E. Smith in 1983 where the player controls a character who must collect all the gold pieces in a level and get to the end while being chased by a number of enemies.